More than 3000 children insured

This year we were able to provide health insurance to more than 3000 children in the rural communities around Mankessim and Saltpond. We extended the health insurance card for 2048 children, 995 children were registered for the first time.

Mehr als 3000 Kinder versichert

In diesem Jahr konnten wir mehr als 3000 Kinder in den ländlichen Gemeinden rund um Mankessim und Saltpon und  mit einer Krankenversicherung versorgen.  Bei 2048 Kindern haben wir die bei unseren Registrierungen die Krankenversicherungskarte verlängert, 995 Kinder haben wir erstmals mit einer Versicherungskarte ausgestattet. 

Visit to Ghana

Munirah Razak and Manuel Daubenberger visited our projects in Ghana in January. First we visited the Speech and Prize Giving Day in Wurupong and were met with great gratitude for the years of commitment. In numerous discussions with teachers, the school management committee and our partner Samuel Fordjor, we learned about the high level of […]

Vorstandsbesuch in Ghana

Munirah Razak und Manuel Daubenberger haben im Januar unsere Projekte in Ghana besucht. Zunächst besuchten wir den Speech-and-Prize-Giving-Day in Wurupong und begegneten einer großen Dankbarkeit für das jahrelange Engagement. Bei zahlreichen Gesprächen mit Lehrer:innen, dem Schulmanagement Komitee und unserem Partner Samuel Fordjor konnten wir uns vom hohen Engagement überzeugen und besprechen, wie wir die lokale […]

Medical emergency aid in times of COVID

During the pandemic the health care situation is even more dire in Ghana. We have therefore increased our efforts in acute medical emergency aid. Many children die of malaria if they do not have health insurance and their parents do not have the money for essential medicine and infusions in the hospital. A few euros […]

Orientation for graduates and exam preparation

Together with the District Director of Education, Ingrid and Samuel Fordjor organised an orientation meeting for the graduating classes of the entire Biakoye district. Over three days, six employees of the education authority prepared a total of 432 students for the final exams. We had to postpone all other programs in 2020 due to the […]

More than 6,500 children insured

Marcus registered a total of 4,000 children from the communities of Mankessim and Salt Pond to the national health insurance system. A nice additional development is the fact that during the same registration event, 2,500 children were additionally insured by their parents. It shows that education and the provision of infrastructure can help more people […]