Health for all
We want to improve health standards. To do this, we promote the benefits of health insurance, facilitate and pay for registration and provide support in medical emergencies.
We want to improve health standards. To do this, we promote the benefits of health insurance, facilitate and pay for registration and provide support in medical emergencies.
Health insurance was introduced in Ghana in 2003, covering basic medical needs. Despite some weaknesses, the system works. Poorer people in particular can insure themselves for a few euros a year. But the system is not advertised properly, many distrust state institutions and so only a few take advantage of the offer.
Since 2013 we have been trying to convince people that it makes sense to take out health insurance instead of having to scrape together their savings in the event of a medical emergency or, in the worst case, even dying from the illnesses. In order to convince people of the benefits of health insurance, we work in several steps:
1) Promoting health insurance on posters and personal walks around the neighborhood, on these walks we collect names and details of residents so we can help them register for a health insurance card.
2) Through cooperation with the health insurance authority, we get separate registration appointments for groups. This saves people and the authorities time. We cover the cost of insurances for people who cannot afford to pay for themselves.
. We also provide financial assistance in medical emergencies when people do not have health insurance or family members to support them.
Rainbow over Ghana e.V.