
Health insurance registration

Since the beginning of Novemberhis this year’s health insurance registrations are taking place in the rural communities of Saltpond and Mankessim. The aim is to register between 5,000 and 6,000 children.

Speech and Prize Giving and Math Celebration Day

In February and March 2023, we held another successful Speech and Prize Giving Day together with our partners from the Nkonyaman Foundation. The award-winning students were very happy about their prizes. For the first time, we also supported Math Celebration Day of the Secondary School in Ahenkro. Here, too, the best students received book prizes and the different classes received learning aids for mathematics. Overall, it is gratifying that the results of the junior high school final exams have improved again. Samuel Fordjor made important observations during his internship as a teacher in Wurupong. The students who borrowed books to prepare for the exam did particularly well. One of the projects in 2023 will therefore be setting up a small library for the students.

New board and headquarter

At the annual general meeting, the long-standing board members Lisa Kappler and Patrick Kockelke resigned. We thank them for their years of great work! Munirah Razak was newly elected as a board member. In addition to the chairmanship Manuel Daubenberger will from now on also take over the role of treasurer. Since no board member lives in Munich anymore, we have moved the association’s headquarters to Hamburg.

Exam preparation in Wurupong

Ingrid and Samuel Fordjor prepared the Biakoye District’s final classes for their exams. Together with the District Director of Education, a training course for 120 junior high school teachers took place on September 1 so that they could better prepare their students for the final exam. At the beginning of October, 1445 students had the opportunity to write a test exam in mathematics and English.

Exam preparation in Wurupong

Like in previous years, we organised exam preparations for the graduating classes of the junior high schools in Wurupong. To be equipped for the tutoring the teachers had received capacity building in 2021.

Reading competition in the Biakoye District

The annual reading competitions we organise have become a tradition in Wurupong. This year we supported the entire Biakoye District to host a regional reading competition.

More than 3000 children insured

This year we were able to provide health insurance to more than 3000 children in the rural communities around Mankessim and Saltpond. We extended the health insurance card for 2048 children, 995 children were registered for the first time.

Visit to Ghana

Munirah Razak and Manuel Daubenberger visited our projects in Ghana in January. First we visited the Speech and Prize Giving Day in Wurupong and were met with great gratitude for the years of commitment. In numerous discussions with teachers, the school management committee and our partner Samuel Fordjor, we learned about the high level of commitment and how we can support the educational work there in the future. Together with Marcus we organised health insurance registrations around Saltpond and Mankessim in the second half of our trip. Many children and teenagers told us how the insurance helped them with serious illnesses such as malaria. Without the card, their parents would hardly have been able to afford the treatment, which in the worst case could have been fatal. Overall, the visit showed us once again how reliable our partners are and how important our work in Ghana is.

Medical emergency aid in times of COVID

During the pandemic the health care situation is even more dire in Ghana. We have therefore increased our efforts in acute medical emergency aid. Many children die of malaria if they do not have health insurance and their parents do not have the money for essential medicine and infusions in the hospital. A few euros make the difference between life and death. We were able to step in and help in multiple cases.